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A Brief Introduction to Us

Free Democratic Party

A Brief Introduction to Us

The New Deal Movement

A Brief Introduction to Us

The National Democratic Coalition!

NDC is the acronym of the National Democratic Coalition and it is Liberia’s longstanding social-democratic coalition comprising two grassroots progressive registered political parties: The New Democratic Alternative of Liberia Movement (The New DEAL Movement) and the Free Democratic Party (The FDP) as well as other social democratic political groups, movements, and entities in Liberia. The constituent parties making up the NDC were amongst several political parties, CSOs, the Inter-religious Council of Liberia, warring faction representatives, youth and women groups in the presence of ECOWAS, AU, and the UN that signed the Comprehensive Accra Peace Accord for the silencing of gun violence in Liberia after 14yrs of bloody civil unrest.


The motto of the NDC shall be: Kwa Ku Noi Tor (Let us Build the Nation). This is coined in one of the 16 tribes (Kpelle) of Liberia.


Objective of the NDC is to facilitate a process by which political leaders of varying persuasions, can establish a tolerable balance between contending interests through dialogue, negotiation, and compromise in the pursuit of state power for the common good of the nation.  


The party’s ideology is social democracy. It is anchored on the primary belief that democracy is a holistic condition encompassing political, economic, social, culture and religious rights and freedoms. In order to create a democratic society, the state and the private sector have pivotal roles. The state is primarily responsible for formulating public policies – education, health, housing, employment, fiscal, monetary etc. – that promote fairness, justice, equality and prosperity for all, irrespective of ethnicity, class, region, gender, religion, age and race. For its part, the principal function of the private sector is to help create employment and produce goods and services. The party’s ideology serves as its road map as it seeks to fulfill its ultimate mission of serving the national interest of Liberia.
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How Politics Affects Our Lives

How can we get our country back on track? How to preserve our Constitution? All these core questions have been evolving in our minds for years.

Rebuilding Liberian Economy

We believe, that to bring our economic and social life to the new level, we must use non-standard and non-traditional means in our work.

Our Team

Meet the NDC Leaders

Dr. Nyanquoi Kargbo

NDC Political Leader

Prof. Dr. Tom Kaydor, Jr.

National Vice Chair for Administration

Dr. Christopher Dougbeh Nyan

Vice Chairman for international Affairs

Cecelia N. Joe

National Vice Chair for Political and Interparty Affairs

Giamen Miamen

National Vice Chair for Mobilization and Operation

Morris Fallah H. Kromah

National Vice Chair for Research and Planning

Peal Nyenkan

National Secretary General

Samuel S. Tamba

Financial Secretary

Prof. Alaric K. Tokpa

Ideologue/Senior Policy Advisor